Old information (2019~2016)
51th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting
The 51th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) from June 26th to 27th, 2019. Prof. Tsutomu Kikuchi, JIIA Senior Adjunct Research Fellow (Vice President/Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University)) and Mr. Ryosuke Hanada, JIIA Research Fellow, participated from CSCAP Japan.
6th Meeting of the Study Group on Nonproliferation and Disarmament in the Asia-Pacific
The 6th Meeting of the Study Group on Nonproliferation and Disarmament in the Asia-Pacific was held in Bali (Indonesia) from April 6th to 7th, 2019. Dr. Masashi Murano (Research Fellow, Okazaki Institute) participated from CSCAP Japan.
1st Meeting of the Study Group on International Law and Cyberspace
The 1st Meeting of the Study Group on International Law and Cyberspace was held in Singapore from February 26th to 27th, 2019. Mr. Ryosuke Hanada, JIIA Research Fellow, participated from CSCAP Japan.
CSCAP Retreat
The CSCAP Retreat was held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) from February 21st to 22nd, 2019. Prof. Tsutomu Kikuchi, JIIA Senior Adjunct Research Fellow (Vice President/Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University), participated from CSCAP Japan.
6th Meeting of the Nuclear Energy Experts Group (NEEG)
The 6th Meeting of the CSCAP Study Group on Nuclear Energy Experts Group (NEEG) was held in Singapore from January 23rd to 25th, 2019. Prof. Heigo Sato (Professor, Takushoku University) participated from CSCAP Japan.
50th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting
The 50th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting was held in Perth (Australia) from November 29th to 30th, 2018. Prof. Tsutomu Kikuchi, JIIA Senior Adjunct Research Fellow (Vice President/Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University) and Mr. Ryosuke Hanada, JIIA Research Fellow, participated from CSCAP Japan.
Seminar on Strategic Trade Controls in Southeast Asia
The Seminar on Strategic Trade Controls in Southeast Asia was held in Hanoi (Vietnam) from July 24th to 26th, 2018. Prof. Heigo Sato (Professor, Takushoku University) participated from CSCAP Japan.
49th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting
The 49th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) from May 9th to 10th, 2018. Amb. Yoshiji Nogami, Chair of CSCAP Japan (President, JIIA), and Prof. Tsutomu Kikuchi, JIIA Senior Adjunct Research Fellow (Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University), attended from CSCAP Japan.
48th Steering Committee Meeting and 11th CSCAP General Meeting
The 48th Steering Committee Meeting and the 11th CSCAP General Meeting were held in Chiang Mai (Thailand) from December 12th to 15th, 2017. Amb. Yoshiji Nogami, Chair of CSCAP Japan (President, JIIA), Prof. Tsutomu Kikuchi, JIIA Senior Adjunct Research Fellow (Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University), Prof. Satoru Mori, Hosei University, and Mr. Ryosuke Hanada, JIIA Research Fellow, participated from CSCAP Japan
3rd Meeting of the Study Group on Enhancing Contributions from Asia Pacific Countries to UN PKO
The 3rd Meeting of the Study Group on Enhancing Contributions from Asia Pacific Countries to UN PKO was held in Siem Reap (Cambodia) from November 19th to 21st, 2017. Ms. Yukako Tanaka (Sakabe) (Assistant Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University) participated from CSCAP Japan.
4th Meeting of the Study Group on Nonproliferation and Disarmament in the Asia-Pacific
The 4th Meeting of the Study Group on Nonproliferation and Disarmament in the Asia-Pacific was held in Hanoi (Vietnam) from October 26th to 27th, 2017. Prof. Heigo Sato (Professor, Takushoku University) participated from CSCAP Japan.
47th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting
The 47th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) from May 24th to 25th, 2017. Amb. Yoshiji Nogami, Chair of CSCAP Japan (President, JIIA), Prof. Tsutomu Kikuchi, JIIA Senior Adjunct Research Fellow (Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University), and Mr. Ryosuke Hanada, JIIA Research Fellow, participated from CSCAP Japan.
2nd Meeting of the Study Group on Enhancing Contributions from Asia Pacific Countries to UN PKO
The 2nd Meeting of the Study Group on Enhancing Contributions from Asia Pacific Countries to UN PKO was held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) from May 17th to 19th, 2017. Dr. Chigumi Kawaguchi, Research Fellow, JICA Research Institute, participated from CSCAP Japan.
CSCAP Retreat on Track One Relations
The CSCAP Retreat on Track One Relations was held in Singapore from March 2nd to 3rd, 2017. Prof. Tsutomu Kikuchi, JIIA Senior Adjunct Research Fellow (Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University), participated from CSCAP Japan.
3rd Meeting of the Study Group on Marine Environmental Protection
The 3rd Meeting of the Study Group on Marine Environmental Protection was held at JIIA from February 7th to 8th, 2017. Twenty-eight natural science, social science and maritime environment (sociology, international law and political science) specialists along with the CSCAP Secretariat participated. From CSCAP Japan, Prof. Tsutomu Kikuchi, JIIA Senior Adjunct Research Fellow (Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University), Prof. Hajime Kayane (Professor, Tokyo University), Prof. Mari Koyano (Professor, Hokkaido University), and Mr. Ryosuke Hanada, JIIA Research Fellow, participated.
46th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting
The 46th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting was held at the International House of Japan (I-House) from December 7th to 8th, 2016. Amb. Yoshiji Nogami, Chair of CSCAP Japan (President, JIIA), Dr. Seiichiro Takagi, JIIA Senior Research Adviser, Mr. Nobutaka Maekawa, JIIA Director of Research Coordination, Prof. Tsutomu Kikuchi, JIIA Senior Adjunct Research Fellow (Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University), and Mr. Ryosuke Hanada, JIIA Research Fellow, participated from CSCAP Japan.
Following the appointment of Amb. Yoshiji Nogami, CSCAP Japan Chair (President, JIIA), as a Co-Chair of CSCAP in June 2016, the decision was made to hold the 46th SC Meeting in Japan (Tokyo) for the first time in 19 years.
Given that the meeting was held shortly after the election of Donald Trump as president, the presentation on “Asian diplomacy after the Trump administration” by Mr. Ralph Cossa (Director, CSIS Pacific Forum) was added to the regular agenda.
To reinforce Track One relations, Mr. Robespierre Bolivar (Special Assistant, Office of the Undersecretary for Policy, MOFA, Philippines)was invited to make a presentation on ARF and engage in discussions with CSCAP participants.
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