The Japan Institute of International Affairs hosted a webinar on October 19, 2022 titled "The Next Era of Globalization: How Can WTO Contribute to Creating New International Environment?" with Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The webinar was moderated by Kenichiro Sasae, President of JIIA. DG Okonjo-Iweala gave a keynote speech on the changing international environment surrounding the WTO and the need for WTO reform. She stated that trust among member states is essential to advance reform, and for that it is important to produce substantive results. She said that the Ministerial Declaration adopted by consensus at the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC 12) in June this year was a significant step forward. In the panel discussion that followed, comments were made by Yoichi Suzuki, Adjunct Fellow at JIIA, and Yuka Fukunaga, Professor at Waseda University, on how to approach restoring and improving the functions of the dispute settlement system, how WTO should respond to unilateral subsidy policies taken increasingly in the context of economic security, and how to advance rulemaking in new areas and ensuring transparency. A lively discussion took place with many questions from the audience.

Event Report
The Next Era of Globalization: How Can WTO Contribute to Creating New International Environment?
- 10-19-2022