Futoshi Matsumoto
Former Japanese Ambassador to Iraq. Graduated from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo in 1988 and joined Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Studied at American University in Cairo, Egypt, and Sciences-Po Paris. After having been director for international affairs in Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office (CIRO) and director for security intelligence in the Intelligence and Analysis Service (IAS) of MOFA, served as Chargé d’Affaires in Japanese Embassy in Syria as well as Special Coordinator of Japanese Government for Syria, Deputy Consul-General in New York, and Ambassador of Japan to Iraq (2022-2024). Major publications include “Revenge of the World History” (Kodansha) and others. Fluent in English, French and Arabic.
Major Publications:
“Chapter 7, The South China Sea Dispute and the Japan-US Alliance in The Japan-US Alliance of Hope: Asia-Pacific Maritime Security”, edited by Nakasone Peace Institute, 2020, English Edition
”Revenge of the World History---Westphalia, Chinese Order and Daesh”, Kodansha, 2016
“The World Order and a New Behemoth”, Asia-Pacific Review, Vol. 22, No. 1, 177-190, 22 May 2015
“Missile Non-proliferaiton”, Bunshun-Shinsho, 2007
- シリア問題の本質は不変、それでも復興への希望を失わないシリア人のために日本は何ができるのか?
アサド政権崩壊から1カ月がたったシリアの行方を占う‐JB press 17/1/2025
https://jbpress.ismedia.jp/search/author/%E6%9D%BE%E6%9C%AC+%E5%A4%AA - Policy Brief: "Fall of Bashar al-Assad and Future Prospect of a new Syria and beyond" 26/12/2024
- JIIA Platform public symposium on "The Fall of the Asad Regime and prospect on the Middle East situation" 19/12/2024
Media appearance
NHK「キャッチ! 世界のトップニュース シリア」5/2/2025
#イスラエル・パレスチナ中東情勢 - NHKプラス
シリア 新しい国づくりの課題 - キャッチ!世界のトップニュース - NHKTBS-BS 報道1930 10/12/2024
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3oW4CvtTyUTBS 8/12/2024
シリア・アサド政権崩壊 “独裁政権”終焉で世界に影響は?大統領は“後ろ盾”のロシアに亡命 今後のパワーバランスは?世界に与える影響は?須賀川記者解説【news23】|TBS NEWS DIG