Fumiaki Kubo
He is also the President of National Defense Academy, Japan.
Professional Experiene
2021-present President, National Defense Academy, Japan
2010-present Vice President of the Japanese Association for American Studies
2009 (April to May) an Invited Professor at SciencesPo in Paris
2007-present member of the U.S-Japan Conference on Cultural and Educational Interchange (CULCON)
2007-present Senior Research Scholar at the Tokyo Foundation
2003-present Senior Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs
2003-2021 Professor, Graduate School for Law and Politics, University of Tokyo
2003-present Visiting Professor, Keio University
2001-2002 Prime Minister's Commission on the Study of Direct Election System for Prime Minister
1993-2003 Professor, Law Department, Keio University
1998-1999 Fulbright Scholar, Georgetown University and University of Maryland
1991-1993 ACLS and Abe Fellow, Johns Hopkins University
1988-1993 Assistant Professor, Law Department, Keio University
1987-1988 Assistant Professor, Institute of Social Science, Tsukuba Univesrity
1984-1986 Nitobe Fellow, Cornell University
1982-1987 Lecturer, Institute of Social Science, Tsukuba University
1979-1982 Research Associate, Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo
1989 Ph.D., Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo
1979 B.A., Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo
- "A Study on the Infrastructure of American Politics"(Editor, the Japan Institute of International Affairs, 2010)
- "Ideology and Foreign Policy After Iraq in the United States" (Editor, the Japan Institute of International Affairs, 2007)
- "The Democratic Party in the US: Challenges for 2008" (Editor, The Japan Institute of International Affairs, 2005)
- "G.W. Bush and the Conservative Forces in the United States: An Analysis of the Republican Party" (Editor, The Japan Institute of Interanational Affairs, 2003)
- "The United States and East Asia" (Co-editor, Keio University Press, 2004)
- "Contemporary American Politics and the Public Interest: The Politics of Environmental Protection" (University of Tokyo Press, 1997)
- "Modern American Politics" (Co-author, The Society for the Promotion of the University of the Air, 1997)
- The New Deal and American Democracy: The Politics of Agricultural Programs (University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo: 1988), (Sakurada-kai Award for Political Studies, 1990. Keio Gijuku University Award, 1990) ( Ph.D. dissertation for the University of Tokyo )