Research Interests
Japan’s Foreign/Security Policy
The US-Japan Alliance
Maritime Security and international relations in the Indo-Pacific region
2008: Withdrawal from Ph.D. Program in Political Science with a completion of course requirements, Doshisha University (Kyoto)
2001: M.A. in American Studies, Doshisha University (Kyoto)
1998: B.A. in Education, Osaka Kyoiku University (Osaka)
Professional Experience
2020-present: Professor, Meikai University
2018-2020: Associate Professor, Meikai University
2015-2018: Instructor, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Command & Staff College
2014-present: Senior Fellow, the Japan Institute of International Affairs
2014: Visiting Scholar, Japan Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
2013-2014: Visiting Associate Professor, Kyushu University
2012-2014: Research Fellow, the Japan Institute of International Affairs
2012-2018: Instructor, Faculty of Law, Hosei University
2011-present: Visiting Fellow, Center for Japan Studies, China Ocean University
2010-present: Senior Research Fellow, Research Institute for Peace and Security
2010-2012: Special Research Fellow, The Okazaki Institute
2008-present: International Advisory Board, Project 2049 Institute
2006-2010: Research Fellow, Ocean Policy Research Foundation
2003-2006: Fellow, U.S.-Japan Center, Vanderbilt University
Selected English Publications
“Presence and Credibility: Homeporting USS MIDWAY at Yokosuka,” The Journal of American-East Asian Relations, Vol. 15 (2008)
“Turbulent Changes: Democratic Party Government and Japan's Foreign Policy,” Russia in Global Affairs, Vol. 8, No. 4, (October-December 2010)
“The Japan Coast Guard: Japan’s Hidden Navy?” Strategic Insights, No. 31 (March 2011)
“Freedom of Navigation and the US-Japan Alliance: Addressing the Threat of Legal Warfare,” Japan Center for International Exchange US-Japan Papers (December 2011)
“Lifeline at Sea: Japan’s Policy toward the Indian Ocean Region,” Journal of the Indian Ocean Region, Vol. 7, No. 2 (December 2011)
“Reluctant Sea Power: Geopolitics in Asia and Japan's Maritime Strategy,” in Robert Ross et al., ed., Twenty-First Century Seapower: Cooperation and Conflict at Sea (Routledge, May 2012)
“China's Fortress Fleet-in-Being and its Implications for Japan's Security,” Institut français des relations internationals, Asie.Visions 62 (February 2013)
“The Senkaku Islands and the U.S.-Japan Alliance: Future Implications for the Asia-Pacific,” Project 2049 Institute Futuragram 13-002 (March 2013)
“Maintaining Good Order at Sea in Asia: Opportunities and Challenges,” in Patrick Rüppel, ed., Maritime Security and Piracy (Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, January 2014)
“U.S.-Japan Allied Maritime Strategy: Balancing the Rise of Maritime China,” in Michael J. Green and Zack Cooper, ed., Strategic Japan: New Approaches to Foreign Policy and the U.S.-Japan Alliance (CSIS/Rowman & Littlefield, November 2014) “Crisis Management in the East China Sea,” SIPRI Policy Brief (February 2015)
“China and Russia in the Western Pacific: Implications for Japan and the United States,” NBR Maritime Awareness Project, (April 2019)
“China’s Military and Paramilitary Activities in the East China Sea,” Asia Policy, No. 15.3 (July 2020)
Research Grants and Fellowships
2006-2008: Security Studies Fellowship, Research Institute for Peace and Security
2004: Defense Minister Prize