The 5th Tokyo Global Dialogue was held on February 28-29, 2024 under the theme "A World in Turmoil: How Can We Rebuild International Security and Cooperation?" (both days featured a hybrid format with speakers and audience members invited to the venue as well as participating via online streaming).
Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio and Foreign Minister KAMIKAWA Yoko attended the opening of the conference, with Prime Minister Kishida offering remarks and Minister Kamikawa giving a keynote speech.
Approximately 360 people were in attendance, including 28 speakers and moderators from 13 countries and one region, and over 800 persons had registered to participate online. The roundtable and opening were followed by two sessions on US-China competition and the Indo-Pacific, two sessions on changes in the security environment and Japan's responses, and two sessions on perennial conflict (including Ukraine and the Middle East) and the future of international security and cooperation. The participants actively discussed the current state and future of world affairs, international security, and cooperation.
- Roundtable Featuring "Strategic Annual Report 2023" (February 28)
- Opening (February 28)
- Part 1: US-China competition and the Indo-Pacific (1) Politics & security (February 29)
- Part 1: US-China competition and the Indo-Pacific (2) Economic security (February 29)
- Part 2: Changes in the security environment and Japan's responses (1) Japan’s National Security Strategy and future challenges (February 29)
- Part 2: Changes in the security environment and Japan's responses (2) Territory, sovereignty and the rule of law (February 29)
- Part 3: Ukraine and the Middle East: The advent of an era of perennial conflict and the future of international security and cooperation (1) Perennial conflict: how do we deal with the “three fronts” of Ukraine, the Middle East and Asia? (February 29)
- Part 3: Ukraine and the Middle East: The advent of an era of perennial conflict and the future of international security and cooperation (2) The future of international security and cooperation (February 29)
- Closing (February 29)